
We follow the Code of Best Corporate Governance Practices of the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC, as its acronym in Portuguese for Instituto Brasileiro de Governança Corporativa) and the New Market guidelines for organizing our governance. In the current model, the Board of Directors is the highest decision-making body in the group, with the support of committees, the Audit Committee, and an external audit structure. The board is responsible for defining strategic guidelines for the group, and its execution is the responsibility of the Executive Board.

The diversity of profiles in this forum is essential, as it allows the Company to benefit from the plurality of opinions and a more assertive and secure decision-making process. JSL’s Board of Directors is formed to diversify generations, knowledge, and experiences, which are accumulated continuously in different areas of activity and economic sectors. The current Board members have extensive activities in several sectors, such as Transportation and Logistics, Pulp and Paper, Chemical, Ceramic, Metallurgical, Port, Hospital, Social Investment, Banking, Construction, Energy, Oil and Gas, Automotive and Aviation.

Besides, the plurality of ideas is ensured by the different academic trajectories and professional experiences: entrepreneurship, economic, administrative, accounting, consultative, tax, corporate, and the tertiary sector. In this way, the organization seeks to provide a balance between the expectations of interested parties and the continuous strengthening of organizational skills.